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School attendance VS mental health: my view

Sometimes going to school is actually making children and young peoples mental health worse. I'm not suggesting for one minute that children and young people shouldn't attend school, and I'm not necessarily a home-school advocate, but things do need to change!

Mental health is as important as physical health and the pressure is put on parents for attendance percentages, when they themselves are struggling to get their child into school due to their child's mental health, such as anxiety and depression and those children with special educational needs.


Children are people and relationship building is essential to support learning and wellbeing. Non-attendance is not something to be punished for, because there is always a reason and often it is because of mental health challenges. The majority of parents desperately want their child to be happy and in school, but don't have the support other than "attendance" pressure. Young people mask how they are really feeling. Just because a child looks "ok" and has been smiling and having a "fun" time, doesn't mean that they're actually ok.

And finally, schools need to start trusting parents... The parent usually knows the child best, so why don't they work with them and not against them, listen to the child and to the parent and listen with more than just their ears!

Checking in on children with anxiety in school just once or twice a week is not enough! School years are tough enough as it is, even without mental health issues. Negative behaviour and poor choices is a form of communication in children and young people. The individuals that are shouting and lashing out are the ones that need help as well as the individual who is quiet, withdrawn, complying but sad and terrified inside.

Image: Messy Minds Mentoring instagram:

Tina Phillips

Messy Minds Mentoring

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