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Figuring out why your Child's feeling the way they do.

All too often, children and young people get overwhelmed by huge emotions. Often, with adult support, we tend to want to instantly fix and find a solution there and then by verbalising ideas, suggestions and strategies. Instead in that actual moment, what we should be doing is sharing our calm and not adding to their initial chaos. By sharing our calm, I mean by listening to what the child or young person is saying, ranting or shouting by giving them time and no verbalising of how to “fix things”.

It is important for them to verbalise why they feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, they will have no words and it will be pure emotion such as crying, and that is okay. So once this calm space has been created, then is the time that we as adults, can offer our help and support.

Try saying something like...

Okay shall we look at this as a whole? What is causing the biggest part of the emotion here?

After we have offered this, then we can talk through with them what happens next and support their regulation of emotions.

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